30th March 2023

Why Choose A Socially Responsible Business?

Why Choose A Socially Responsible Business?

With a study from PWC in 2021 indicating that 83% of consumers think companies should be actively shaping ESG best practices, it’s clear there is a growing demand for companies to act responsibly. WLTH Co-Founder Brodie Haupt explains further.

For small businesses, this could involve developing a sustainability plan, conducting an environmental footprint audit, or even simple things like monitoring and reducing energy consumption in the office. Awareness is key, ensuring company values of sustainability are passed on from the top down, and communicated to your customers.

Internally passing on these company values can be done by encouraging your employees to participate in your sustainability efforts. This could include implementing a recycling program, encouraging carpooling, or educating employees on sustainable practices, including how waste and recycling is managed in the workplace.

Businesses could also look into partnering with like-minded brands and organisations. At WLTH, we are very transparent about our sustainability goals and partner with organisations like Parley for the Oceans, which gives us the opportunity to clean up beaches around Australia and take action toward our sustainability goals.

In order to be a successful, socially responsible business, you need to authentically care about the environment and its related issues, not jump on the bandwagon or “greenwash” to attract new customers and investors.

Full Article: Dynamic Business